Wednesday 27 June 2018

National Theatre Scotland comes to Eden Court

As part of Exchange 2018, now in it's ninth year, 10 shows, with performers ranging from 16 to 25 years of age, will be coming all the way from Chicago, Malta, England and Scotland.

All starting at 7.25 pm, the performances will be at Eden Court from the 3rd till of the 7th of July.

Here's to the National Theatre Scotland for more information, and to Eden Court for tickets (better hurry!)

I hope that you will come, see and enjoy at Eden Court.

Friday 22 June 2018

Review of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Today I've seen Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, and it was awesome!

Until last week, I had only seen the three Jurassic Park films, now I have seen all five films.  My friend of mine told me that the film might be like the second Jurassic Park film.  Well there a similar idea, of taking dinosaurs off the island where they live and take them to the mainland (didn't they learn from the previous attempt?), only instead of attempting to reopen a previous version of Jurassic Park, it is now to save the dinosaurs.  At some points, of the story, (mostly where there's human baddie) I could sense what was to come next (even to the human villains who deserved what they ended up getting).  One character went round calling for his "bonus", but I'll let you find out what happened next.  And there was some good humour, even in the moments of tension of the story.

I've heard that the actress Bryce Dallas Howard, who played Claire Dearing, requested in the previous film that her character wears heels throughout most of the film, even in the jungle scenes.  In this film, she does have heels towards the start, but she does ditches them for proper shoes.

The mention of John Hammond does give a hint of how Jurassic Park began before the films began and the cameo of Ian Malcolm, talking about the dangers the dinosaurs and genetic engineering pose, helps link the previous films, while further expanding the role of Dr Henry Wu, showing his skills as a scientist in the geneticist.

Now I'm planning to see the other four films in my wait for Fallen Kingdom to come out.  I've heard the third film is in the works and is due for release in 2021, and I can't wait to see if it will just as good.  I hope so.

I hope that you will come, see and enjoy at Eden Court.

Monday 11 June 2018

90th Blog Post - Review of Solo

Today I went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story, and I enjoyed it.

So far, I seen all the main films, all of the original and prequel trilogies and least of the sequel trilogy, I am up to date of the story lines.  It was interesting in seeing how Han Solo began his adventures across the galaxy, meet Chewbacca, and get the Falcon off Lando.  The film may have changed directors, but I think that Ron Howard has done another good job in bring an entertaining film with a few good laughs in it |9such as how Han got the Falcon, with a few good references how Han got into dealing with Jabba the Hutt, and the guard's disguise Lando would use in the Return of the Jedi.  I was surprised of how Darth Maul had an appearance, does this mean the Emperor might be behind crimes across the galaxy (playing both sides of an argument as he has done before?), and could he make another appearance like Vader did in Rogue One?

Well, I went to Eden Court to see the film, and I enjoyed every minute of it.  I look forward to getting it when it's released on DVD.

I hope that you will come, see and enjoy at Eden Court.